“Why Are You Doing This?” - concerned youtube viewer
“Because 4D is Nigh..” - Mr Nutz
“I try not to over think it” - BB_zaurus
“I’m Doing it for You!” - Mr Neurotic
“To honor the muses, prolly…” - CBillon
“The inner spark urges us to evolve and go beyond the physical realm” - ShimasterC
“I'm not doing anything, it's already done”- Paul Hindt”
“What choice do i have? Breath traces the outline of my face across its wrinkles and creases. It is the landscape, though this ‘I’ it speaks me its word, these notes, these utterances. What reason does reality know? Reason forgets us all at its furthest and stark despairing edges. It laughs at us asking” - Michael Deane
“It makes me happy to play in expanses of spiritual potentiality” - Rps
“i make music because it needs to be made. its the war against imagination. imagination needs our music.” - Ro Horton
“The answer to your question ‘why?’ won't be found in others, least of all in I. Rather ask that question of yourself. Why is the Why Card the one you've been dealt?” - Astika
“I’m looking for Pleasure” - Dr Mike Murdoch
“Music is about self expression, discovery, and sharing” - Mathew Depasquale
“Two and two did not come to four, and we reneged. This was not stupidity. If we could see the world anew, the hidden terms might be revealed and move us to transform the bigger part of ourselves into quiescence and peace.” - TPrado
“I don’t do it for the chicks, the d🍆cks, the dorks, the @ssholes, the dudes eating ham sandwiches, the techno kids, the bad asses, the middle schoolers, the 80s rappers, the girls on TikTok, the guys on Haight Street late at night, the Republicans, the Democrats, the Libertarians, the Green Party, the horny teens or anybody who likes it raw (okay, well, ODB). Sometimes I think I do it for myself. But even then I’m not so sure. Well actually, maybe I do it for all of them.” - Goose
“I do this because my abilities let me, and if you dont do this, then how do you get to that?" - Gaston
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